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Media Appearances

The professionals at deRMA Skin Institute are proud to offer the latest science-based skin care and dermatology services to patients from Guelph, Cambridge, and across Ontario. Our achievements have made headlines in many reputable publications. Browse the following articles and videos to learn more about Dr. Dusan Sajic and the rest of the deRMA team.

Opening up her Bel Air home for an afternoon of beauty and wellness, television personality Kathy Hilton chats with Dr. Dusan Sajic, one of North America’s leading skincare innovators, about new launches from his brand Sajic Skin Science.

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News Articles

The Best Antioxidant Serum to Protect, Brighten, and Boost Skin
Town & Country
Oct 21, 2021

In Skincare, Is Olive Oil the New Coconut Oil?
Harper’s Bazaar
Nov 15, 2021

Hard-Working Retinols That Are Great for Sensitive Skin, According to Dermatologists
New Beauty
Nov 26, 2019

Dermatologists Want You to Start Applying Retinol to This Part of the Body—Stat
New Beauty
Sep 19, 2019

5 Treatments Derms Say You Should Never Buy on Groupon
New Beauty
Sep 17, 2019

What is Psoriatic Arthritis and Why Is It Trending?
New Beauty
Sep 26, 2019

A Complete Guide to Azelaic Acid, as Told by Dermatologists
New Beauty
Nov 1, 2019

The 36 Best Fragrance-Free Skin-Care Products, According to Dermatologists
New Beauty
Jul 16, 2021

Dermatologists Reveal the Most Effective Ways to Treat Hyperpigmentation
New Beauty
Sep 13, 2019

11 Ways To Prevent Premature Wrinkles, According To Dermatologists
Oct. 13, 2016

COVID-19 is causing hair loss: Here’s why
Feb 8 2021

Practice Videos

Opening up her Bel Air home for an afternoon of beauty and wellness

Exacne Skin Care Video Thumbnail

>> Speaker 1: All right, friends, let’s talk skincare because it can be a guessing game. Which products are best for you? What is your skin type? And do you really need to buy all those products for every skin issue? Dermatologist and medical researcher, Dr. Dhan Satch stopped by recently to share a new ALLIN one skincare cream called Exact Acne. That takes care of a lot. Watch. Glad to have you here. As someone who has had acne before, and I’m sure we have viewers at home who have experienced skincare issues as well. This is what we need. What makes X acne unique from other skincare products?

>> Speaker 2: Excellent question. So doing my clinical research and doing clinical research as well as clinical medicine over the last 15 to 20 years, I’ve seen a pattern in my patients that they’re sort of in what I call the bizarro Goldie box world, where they’re either using creams that are too harsh and they’re not able to continue to use them, or creams that are too soft and just not having clinical benefit. That’s where we spent the last five years developing this particular product to overcome those issues and put you in the right goldilock zone.

>> Speaker 1: The Goldilock zone. I love it. So what are the benefits of X acne? How is it getting us together as far as our skin goes?

>> Speaker 2: Well, as far as any topical cream is concerned, I think this will really be the base cream that you want to use if you have any blemish issues, from acne to acne scarring to all kinds of other blemishes because it’s designed from the ground up. And we have this patented geno plex micro formula that really treats the skin not just in one dimension, but six different things. I call it the dream team, sort of the Miami Heat, if you will. You can’t have just one player. You got to put ’em all together and have them work together. Well, not kind of fighting each other. And that’s what we see in some creams is that one ingredient might inactivate another and expand. We actually consulted formulation chemists from MIT to Harvard to Boston to all the way to Osaka to find this perfect team.

>> Speaker 1: So you guys have done the research, Dr. Satch, what results, what sort of results are people seeing with x acne?

>> Speaker 2: So because it treats the skin top down, you’re going to see it everything. So you’re going to see blemish reduction, you’re going to see collagen production. You’re going to see smoothing firming effect of the skin. Your skin’s going to be more radiant and glowing and just looking healthier because we’re not getting rid of just the inflammation, but we’re also promoting it to be healthier. We have data right out of McMaster University. We’ve tested what we call the microbiome, and that’s beneficial bacteria that live on our skin and that keeps our skin healthy. And this product will also help keep your skin healthy.

>> Speaker 1: There are different skin types. Some people have combination dry to oily. Is this safe for all skin types or will this work better on one specific skin type versus another?

>> Speaker 2: Generally, it does. Well for most skin types. It was developed for that, but really it chimes is in sensitive skin and we see many patients not able to use retinols. And your first questions, I love it. What do we use? What kind of products are we using too much? And I agree, this is designed to be kind of the complete skincare cream. Your base, is it going to answer all the questions? No. No cream ever will, but it’ll get you on a good footing, a good start, especially if you have that sensitive skin and you’re not able to tolerate certain, especially retinol. So retinol sunscreen as well as an antioxidant like baku are sort of the core. Those are my pillars that are helping your skin do your best. And this one has the gentlest retinol has cio that also helps. It’s a vegan alternative and it has hydroxy rosol, which is a hundred times more powerful than vitamin C. That’s an antioxidant.

>> Speaker 1: You mentioned retinol, which is we see commercials a hundred percent retinol, retinol, night skin cream sleep in your retinol retinol for the wind. It is the go-to magical ingredient in a lot of skincare products. What exactly is retinol just because, I mean you’ve mentioned it copiously and how does it work on your skin?

>> Speaker 2: Yeah, like I said, it’s one of the key three players in keeping your skin healthy. And it does so much from anti-inflammatory to building collagen to getting fine lines and wrinkles going. And there is a lot of misinformation out there because there’s different things. So if you’re getting a prescription product, you’re getting a retinoid acid, which is, versus a retinol that has to be converted into retinoid acid in your skin. So some people lack the enzyme or the certain product to convert that reic acid into retinol, into retinoic acid. And so that’s why over the counter products, sometimes they’re not going to be as effective if you’re missing that particular gene. So it’s important to talk to your dermatologist if you’re not seeing the results.

>> Speaker 1: Got it. Where can we go to find out more on X acne?

>> Speaker 2: Well, one, you can follow us on Instagram on derma, Derma research as well. And then you can find more information either by following us on Instagram on my own personal site or derma research group’s, Instagram or like I said, the website.

>> Speaker 1: Awesome. Dr. Daiish, keeping us young and youthful and keeping the skin clear. Beautiful. Always glad to have you on inside South Florida. Thank you so much.

>> Speaker 2: Thank you so much. And remember, prevention is worth so much more, so we got to keep our skin healthy. It’s a lot easier than coming in when you have a lot of problems.

>> Speaker 1: Boom. There you go.

>> Speaker 2: Boom. Indeed. Thanks a lot Jason.

Select Introducing Exacne Skin Cream With The Vegan Alternative To Retinol – zQm_yuALt1s Introducing Exacne Skin Cream With The Vegan Alternative To Retinol Video Thumbnail

>> Speaker 1: Toronto this morning on AM Buffalo, Dr. Han is in the Zoom. I don’t know what I’m more excited about the fact that you’re in Toronto, and I know so many people in Buffalo are missing their Canadian neighbors or the fact that we’re about to talk about a really awesome product that I know I would’ve loved as a younger person who suffered with acne for 11 years. 11 years.

>> Speaker 2: You’re not alone in that. Absolutely. So many of our patients have the same issue. There’s lots of medication for acne and some of them, like Accutane patients or even their doctors are scared to put ’em on it right away because it can have side effects. So the key question is what do we do in the meantime? What do we do when we’re on it? If we get on Accutane, so many different choices out there, it can be hard for patients to pick which one,

>> Speaker 1: And I feel like you get sold a lot of lives as an acne sufferer. This is really exciting. You’ve developed this product and a lot of the research was done here in Buffalo at the University of Buffalo. Yeah, we

>> Speaker 2: Did some University of Buffalo, we did at McMaster as well at my own Derma Skin Institute. So very happy and excited to sort of report the results. We just published a study in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, which is one of the most prestigious journals for cosmetic dermatology in general. And what we saw was that our cream was just as equally effective at treating blemishes, acne scarring compared to prescription medication, but with much less irritation. And often that irritation is such a huge barrier. Patients complain about burning stinging, they’re just not able to carry on. So it’s great to develop a product that’s actually quite, quite helpful for patients as

>> Speaker 1: Well. But it’s so good that you can actually use it for fine lines and wrinkles. It’s not just for troubled skin.

>> Speaker 2: You are absolutely correct there. So we’re really trying to develop and we’ve patented the product. It’s called Geno Plex Micro. It’s got the six most active ingredients that are really optimal for your skin health in general, whether you have blemishes or not, or prevention from sun damage. All of that’s in there. And so I call it the top down approach where we’re looking at really fixing that barrier. So our skin is the wall to protecting us from the environment and it’s like a brick wall. We need those skin cells really together. The mortar you’re in there has to be healthy, and that starts in a lot of disease processes from blemishes to aging. It starts actually coming dilapidated. That mortar starts falling apart, the bricks start coming apart, and then you get these dead skin cells, they plug up the pores and that’s when disease starts to happen among other things.

>> Speaker 1: I really wish that I had this when I was struggling with acne because it’s just such a tough thing to be getting through.

>> Speaker 2: It really is. And we know that acne is more than just skin deep one. Even if we get rid of acne, many of our patients suffer scarring, and this is great. We know this product actually helps with scarring. It’ll minimize that scarring. So really it was designed and formulated to be sort of the gym for your dream skin where all of this Geno Plex Micro is doing. Its part from the top down all the way, even down to DNA repair blue light that’s coming from this Zoom meetings that both you and I are doing right now. It’s actually damaging our DNA. We know that Baku, we know that green tea as well can help prevent and minimize the damage and repair some of that DNA through using the cream like this.

>> Speaker 1: I’m actually freaking out right now because you know how many hours I sit in front of my laptop editing, doing interviews. Where do we get this? I need to put in an order.

>> Speaker 2: Well, thanks for mentioning that. We try to make it simple. It’s at x You can order online or talk to your dermatologist that the company’s actually producing what we call a 12 week XACT acne challenge. So stay tuned following us on Instagram and hopefully we can help you on your journey to make you have the best skin out there.

>> Speaker 3: Really. Awesome. I am definitely looking forward to checking out that product You can see it on the screen there, If you want to find out more about X acne.

Cancel Covid Face: Skin Care During The Pandemic With Dr. Dusan Sajic Video Thumbnail

>> Speaker 1: Alright. Many of you have noticed Covid face or mask needs become a common occurrence over the last year or so. So how do you cancel that? What should we be doing that we aren’t doing right now? Joining us now, dermatologist, skincare researcher, Doosan, Sage, thank you so much for doing it. We’ve been wearing these for like a year now, and at the end of the day, just you feel irritation, you feel kind of moisture, you feel dry, there’s a whole bunch of stuff going on. What can we do to save our faces?

>> Speaker 2: Excellent question. So there’s lots we can do. First is, you’re absolutely right, we’re not as humans designed to have this thing on our basis. So really it changes a lot of our skin structure. So our skin cells become, the barrier gets compromised, the beneficial bacteria that live become compromised on our skin. So we try and get that back. So a lot of the things we can do is wearing a proper mask. For a bunny example, that’s what I would start with. And if we’re wearing a mask that’s a little bit less irritating, like a caught mask, you want to make sure you’re treat it just like underwear, change it frequently. Get something with breathable material and make sure it’s washed and clean. And then secondly, I think really talking to your dermatologist, finding out, I have a lot of patients coming to my clinic and sort of saying, well, which one of these do I use? So it’s really about simplifying because in an attempt to actually fix things, we could be making things worse.

>> Speaker 1: There’s so many products out there that you can get. I don’t know what I’m doing. My wife thankfully helps me. But before you just pour a bunch of product on your face, what should you look for? What should you try to avoid?

>> Speaker 2: Absolutely. So you don’t want anything irritating. Anything with fragrance, anything that has colors in it, that’ll just compromise your skin even more. So brand gentle stuff. And then I have what I call my skin pillars. So that’s sunscreen, that’s probably number one, two, and three. But then number two is retinol and vitamin C, like antioxidants. So those are my traditional ones. But if you’re having severe mask, knee, those things because their acids can actually make your face even worse. And we see that all the time. Patients are coming in, they’re like, I’m using your pillars, what can I do? So it’s really about trying to get something more gentle. One of the products we actually did some research on and saw that it affixes the skin, makes the microbiome much more back is this product called Xactly that we sort of tested in our clinic. And it’s not, the reason I really like it is that what I call, it’s the real gentlest retinol. We use it for severe conditions, people that have had burns and stuff and right after a procedure. So it’s really, again, talking to your dermatologist, seeing what you’re doing because things you’re generally helping your skin could actually be making it worse.

>> Speaker 1: We know when we leave in the morning, we’re going to be wearing our masks likely the entire day, or we’re going to be in our houses away from the sun, likely the entire day, just staring at a blue screen on zoom calls like you’re doing right now for us. What’s the one thing you could do to kind of prepare your face for the rigors of day?

>> Speaker 2: Excellent question. So I think what we can do is just like I said, bland, bland, bland. You don’t want to be using harsh soaps, for example. Anything that strips your skin, put away your toners. For now, if you’re using your mask, we really need to let our skin breathe, minimize our products on there, and still stick to that sunscreen. And I love that you bring out zoom. One of the things, one of the hidden dangers is that blue light that’s coming from the screen is actually making us age faster. It’s damaging our DNA and making our skin just look that much more dull and much more prone to this even mask me and other signs of covid face. So putting a filter on your phone, even a screen that blocks out the blue light or wearing sunscreen, even indoors, especially tinted sunscreen, that’s going to block that blue light. And then, like I said, sticking to the pillar sunscreen, using gentle products, avoiding anything that’s harsh and that’ll go a long way.

>> Speaker 1: Yeah, and I think the big thing here is preventative. Don’t wait until you have a problem. Do it now. So you avoid the problem later on. Thank you for joining us this morning.

>> Speaker 2: Thank you so much. Alright.

ExAcne All – In One Skin Cream Shown By Dr. Dusan Sajic on TV Video Thumbnail

>> Speaker 1: Welcome back to We Are Austin. From Home Skincare can be a guessing game, which products are best for your skin types? Should you buy multiple products to treat different skin issues like dry skin, blemishes, fine lines. This morning, dermatologists and medical researcher Dr. Han Sage is joining us today to share a new all-in-one skincare cream that contains a vegan alternative to retinol. And I’m very excited to learn more about this. Dr. Sage, it’s nice to see you. Nice

>> Speaker 2: To see you too. Taylor, thanks for having me on the show. I’m very excited to tell about this new product that we just published some very exciting research on.

>> Speaker 1: So your new product, xact Acne, what makes this cream unique for skincare?

>> Speaker 2: We saw it’s an excellent question and we saw a really big niche. So in my 20 years of doing clinical research, doing clinical medicine, I saw that there was a lot of patients that are coming to us with various types of splint and blemishes, from acne to aging spots to fine lines. And they’re sort of stuck and confused in many ways. And as you can sort of see in front of me, many of them come with basically all of this to my appointment with them and sort of say, well, which one of these should I be using? What’s good for me, what’s not? And so at the very core, we look at it sort of as three main ingredients that pretty much everybody should be using. There’s definitely, I’m a big believer in individualization, but using something like retinol, so retinol or the vegan alternative, now the sunscreen and then a nice antioxidant. So that was really sort of what led us to develop a cream because all of this, how can we focus it into one cream that actually works is low air urgency

>> Speaker 1: And that all in one component is what many people are looking for, myself included. So you can cut down on all the steps in your regimen and so many bottles and then have one just super effective and impactful cream. What sort of results do people see with x xme?

>> Speaker 2: So we have a bit of a 12 week challenge. So most creams, if you’re going to use it, you need to give it some time. So I see a lot of my patients stopping if they don’t see results immediately. So that’s the first thing. And then it’s always important to know that no cream’s going to be as effective as a uniquely tailored thing, but this is going to give you the base that you need. It’s going to keep your skin strong going forward and doing the best that it can. So really what we are doing it is we have it, for example, I have some examples here. These are prescription creams, prescription retinols, and we find patients that have blemishes like acne or anti-aging are using a lot of these but not able to continue to use it because their skin is so sensitive and any time of year they’re not able to use it, they stop.

>> Speaker 2: And so these are really good because they have a lot of data and a lot of science behind them. And then on the other hand, we have products like this that are over the, and they range in different potencies from 0.3, 0.51%, but the data, the actual science on them is very, very limited. So what we just did, we just published a recent study looking at this cream versus one of these ones and looking at both efficacy and safety. And so what we really came out with and why I’m really excited about this product is we really found just like we’re looking for planets, that goldilock zone that right in the middle, that’s so difficult to find. We spent last four and a half years really developing and really creating the dream team of all the skincare ingredients. They’re not only going to be doing what they’re supposed to but actually scientifically proven to do so

>> Speaker 1: That dream team of ingredients, that’s what I’m looking for. That’s why I’m very excited to try my bottle of x exact acne. What do you say the benefits are and what kind of results do people come back with?

>> Speaker 2: So I mean if you look at some of our before and afters, you can see that many, many patients do absolutely amazing and it’s a great combination cream to use. Typically when we say retinol or retinol alternatives, you can’t really use ’em with laser resurfacing or other medications that are going to make your skin very, very dry. So this has a bunch of additives in there, bunch of natural ingredients or either that are going to be counteracting that irritancy and you’re going to be seeing a better firmer skin, you’re going to see less irritation. We have products in there that are going to improve your own microbiome. So that’s the beneficial bacteria that lives on there. So your skin is going to be reduced in pore size. You’re going to have better texture, less inflammatory inflammation in your skin, less of those pimples and blemishes that are on your skin.

>> Speaker 2: And then we’re also going to be improving your scarring. So if you have acne scars when you were younger or any other kinds of scars, it’s going to be building your collagen so that it’s going to be improving that. So that’s why I love it. We have so many products in there, including the most powerful antioxidants, so even more powerful than vitamin C. So 10 to a hundred times now we’re actually able to put it in through dedicated technology. Like I said, it took us four and a half years to really put it in a special way that it’s delivered in a slow time or release weight to give you the skin the optimal that it needs.

>> Speaker 1: I feel like this bottle’s about to jump out of my hands. It’s so excited to be used as you list all of those things. I’m like, this is what I’ve been waiting for. You mentioned sensitive skin and how people are often adverse to using retinol because of that or maybe they stop using it because of that. Do you describe XACT acne as safe for most skin types?

>> Speaker 2: Well, that’s what we’re seeing. Like I said, we do a lot of very aggressive lasers like carbon dioxide laser, and so we are actually using it right after, as soon as we’re done it, it’s sta safe that I put it right on and we’re seeing actually added benefits from it. And I have a varying story to share with you. So one of the pictures that you’re going to be seeing there that we’ve shared with you is a patient of mine who despite being on Accutane accidentally had her lips waxed, she forgot that she couldn’t get that done. And so she had a lot of dryness peel irritation that just wasn’t healing with regular regimens. And so avoiding using this product, she just wasn’t sure. And so I spoke to her and then within two weeks of using it, her lips markedly, markedly improved. We’ve also tested it on very, very dry skin, various types of rashes that are quite drying, especially now with nasty and using our hands and drying it. Many of our patients are benefiting from using it that to repair the skin. The other thing it does is it builds up that wall. Those ingredients in there like niacinamide and green tea extract, the olive extract are really there to support the skin to work with your skin. Like I said, the dream team that’s going to go in there do a lot of the things that we need our skin to the base function properly.

>> Speaker 1: And so it sounds like if someone had cosmetic treatments, it’s something that’s still safe they could use afterwards.

>> Speaker 2: That’s right. We generally sort of say you use it instead of twice a day, maybe once a day initially, and then see how it goes. Everybody’s unique if you do have some kind of reaction that’s possible to any product, any ingredient. So if you are having anything that’s not going as planned, always, always talk to your doctor. But like I said, we use it very routinely. It’s part of our standard of care now and after every laser treatment that we are doing, this goes on unless we know that a patient has a specific allergy or sensitivity.

>> Speaker 1: Yes. And like you said, ultimately you build up to two times a day and you apply a pea size amount, which I always have to remind myself a little goes a long way. Thanks for sharing all that with us. I know you guys got some great accolades and a great writeup recently. Where can viewers find more about that and XACT acne overall?

>> Speaker 2: Fantastic, thanks for asking. So it’s in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. We just found that it got accepted and what it was was a head-to-head trial against a leading prescription cream and looking at both acne as well as acne scarring and inflammation. So what we found was that the x acne cream that we used in the study worked equally, if not better to the standard cream but with much less irritation. And we were actually able to reverse scarring. So this is I think the first to my knowledge cream that’s over the counter that you can buy without a prescription that is actually going to help scarring and rebuild that collagen. Follow us on Instagram at Dermis Skin Institute or Derma Research Group. If you go on Instagram or directly online, if you just type exactly, it’s And like I said, it’s not just for acne, it’s x acne. You can lose it just for your general skincare routine in general.

>> Speaker 1: Awesome. Well, Dr. Sach, we appreciate your time today. Again, I’m very excited to check this out. I have an arsenal of skincare and bottles and lots of things and having the dream team all in one bottle makes me very excited. I look forward to seeing what happens and what comes from it. Thanks for your time.

>> Speaker 2: Awesome. Thanks Taylor. Nice talking to you again.

Dr. Dusan Sajic shows skin care hacks to do with your partner Video Thumbnail

>> Speaker 1: I see the blue skies peeking through and a bird at the Spanish Head Resort Hotel in Lincoln City. Thanks for watching Afternoon Live. A recent study found that potential skin cancer and suspicious moles were spotted more easily when people used a partner to do skin checks. Here to explain more, we welcome back dermatologist, Dr. Doan Sage is with us today. Dr. Duan, good to have you back.

>> Speaker 2: Thanks so much for having me back. I think this is a really important message and I think let’s get it out there,

>> Speaker 1: Especially with somewhere around the corn, but really all year round. This is a big one, the skin cancer, the moles that are out there and you have a challenge for people. Partner up,

>> Speaker 2: Partner up. It’s absolutely key. And the studies are actually showing that the vast majority of skin cancers are actually not found by doctors, by a suspicious spouse or partner that sort of says, Hey, you know what? So I call that the partner warning. So whenever that’s the spidey sense and I listen to it very carefully and I think it’s important to have each other’s backs quite literally. Check those hard spots and make sure you’re safe and

>> Speaker 1: It really doesn’t take too much time. There’s so many spots that you can’t see on your own body. I mean, just right there on your back.

>> Speaker 2: Absolutely. So all the hidden spots. One of the myths is that you’re only going to get it in areas of sun exposure and it’s not. You can get it in hidden places, private places. So that’s why I think doing a little skin hack with your partner and having them check even in those hidden areas is really important. And circle it with a marker and make sure you point out to the doctor the next time you see them. So really we call it the A, B, C Ds. So anything through here that’s changing, make sure you point it out. So

>> Speaker 1: You’re looking for change. Is this something where you would even recommend to take pictures of the mole? I have a lot of moles, and so I know too, I’m like none of ’em look odd, but I guess I would never know keeping track of them all.

>> Speaker 2: Absolutely. And there’s some wonderful technology as well. One way you can do it is just take a picture and then keep that picture whether you’re now in your twenties and then you’re going to show it to a dermatologist in your nineties, you’re going to say, Hey, this is what this looked like when I was in my twenties. And then there’s some awesome software out there. There’s mole mapping software both on iPhone and then even artificial intelligence in certain clinics like the photo finder that can help. But again, doing it with your partner both being on board I think is really key.

>> Speaker 1: We’re also talking about skincare today, especially in males. I would think a lot of males might not even notice the melanoma, the skin cancer initially, because they’re not all about putting lotions on their skin all the time.

>> Speaker 2: Well, I think part of it is there’s a myth that all of this is for the females and it’s not. A lot of the myths out there is that the female skin is much different than male really. I think we have sort of what I call my three pillars, and then we have this sort of that you can see how it gets sometimes overwhelming. I have certain patients coming in and they got all this in their bag, and often one partner, usually it’s male, but even male male partners or even if it’s two female partners, usually there’s one that’s a little bit less in tune and it’s really all about joining together and saying, what are the bare essentials here and what can we sort of avoid? So simplify and I really pair it down. So this is sort of the base cleansers, throw away anything that’s harsh.

>> Speaker 2: So zest or Irish strain, anything that makes you feel squeaky clean. It’ll make you smell nice, but it can actually damage your skin. So we say gentle, gentle, gentle. So in this category we have things that are sort of any one of them is going to work good. And then from here on out, we have things that are actually backed by science that actually show the retinols rein alternatives like bacio and then vitamin C or other antioxidants. And finally sunscreen. So if we had to pair it down, start simple, I would get a cream that has maybe just something like this that has antioxidants and retinol and bacio in it and then sunscreen and then start with that and then see if you need more specialty products in this area, like amino peptides that can have thickened and firm and make the skin more elastic or other things that can give more balanced, like hyaluronic acid type stuff. This is more specialty products. So I think that’s one of the ways to do it, to really simplify initially. And then as you find out more about your skin, you can add on,

>> Speaker 1: You’re really simplifying that bathroom counter as well. Then having all those different products out there. You say throw out the soap, not even the bottom of your feet, keep it in your shower.

>> Speaker 2: Well, I think the skin is trying to tell us something and I have a nice message. It’s SOS or help, and I call it Stop the soap. Okay. So really the soap is going to break down that barrier. We really need that barrier to be intact. And it’s also stripping away a lot of our beneficial bacteria. So that’s something like this. Either one of these two, I think they’re both grapes, whichever one you kind of like the texture of is the one you’re going to use. So you don’t need to be squeaky clean. Okay, that’s a common myth. So start with something like this, a pump clear, no fragrance, no colors, it’s going to serve you much better.

>> Speaker 1: What do you say to the man who doesn’t want to wear moisturizer?

>> Speaker 2: Well, this is why the couples hack is great. I sort of would say, you know what? Use it. Instead of massage oil, join with your partner. Have them do it in a fun way. And again, the better you treat your skin, it’s kind of like stretching before a workout, putting on moisturizer, treating it with a regimen. Like I said, my three pillars, a retinol, antioxidant, sunscreen, and then moisturizing. That’s going to keep your skin healthy. Just look, if you’re exercise your heart, your muscles are going to be healthy. You want to keep your skin healthy and it’s going to give you many years of service.

>> Speaker 1: We’re coming into sun season. Anything we need to know about sunscreen, buying a facial wand versus a body or just lay it all on. So

>> Speaker 2: It really comes down. We’re really lucky in North America, USA Canada, if it says SDF 50, it’s tested rigorously, it’s going to be S SPF 50. So then it really comes down to the texture. So a $12 sunscreen or a 50 $60 sunscreen, they’re both providing you equal efficacy, but you got to put on enough. One thing that I really see with patients is they don’t put enough. So they’ll get that pure zinc sunscreen and they’ll put a little dot on their face. You need two fingertips to cover your face. So really what it comes down to is are you going to like it? Are you going to put it on? Are you going to put enough? So that’s where it really comes down to body. We generally don’t care if it looks a bit white, whereas for the face, we like that cosmetic look. And that’s where you get into some more specialty products that are a little bit more sort of like a Ben or laroche Jose. Those are all really good. So that’s where their price difference really comes in. So it’s not the efficacy, it’s just are you putting on enough and do you like the way it feels on your skin?

>> Speaker 1: And any tips on the scalp?

>> Speaker 2: Well, hat, hat, hat is the biggest one. If you can do a large Brit hat, what I’m seeing actually is patients that are starting to get thinning hair, it’s actually going through the scalp for them. And we’re finding a lot of skin cancers up there too. So again, if you can cover up, stay in the shade as much as you can. I love the outdoors too. So I’ll be out there in the sun much more than the average dermatologist would, but I’ll try and protect myself as best you can. And that’s another fun couples hacks. I’ve seen a lot of Christmas pajamas where everybody’s wearing the same pajamas. If you start wearing the same hat, same shirts, maybe you can make a little bit of fun of it and cover up together.

>> Speaker 1: I love it. Great tips. Thank you so much Dr. Sach. Good to see you again.

>> Speaker 2: Awesome. Take care.

>> Speaker 1: Yeah. And we’ll have information about Dr. Dosan in today’s segment on our.

Canceling Covid Face Tips From Dr. Dusan Sajic, Guelph Dermatologist Video Thumbnail

>> Speaker 1: All right, well, how’s your skin doing? Now that we’re a year into this pandemic with less trips to the doctor, you’re wearing a mask more often. A lot of people complaining about their skin health and Dr. Do San Sek is a world renowned dermatologist. He joins us live this morning via Zoom with some tips to cancel Covid face. Drs, thanks for joining us. Alright, let’s start with the mask and things we can do to try to make our face feel better when we’re wearing one.

>> Speaker 2: Thanks Joe for having me. And that’s a key thing is our skin is really there a barrier. It’s there to protect us. And by changing the routine and putting masks on, we’re really changing the environment. We’re making our skin much more susceptible to the changes in microbiome to moisture and it’s causing all kinds of problems for our patients. One of the key things that’s really trying to get your skin breathe, minimize the amount of products that you’re putting in, and actually it’s not real. Mask meat is not real. It’s actually quite different in some of the products that you’re typically using to treat acne are actually going to make mass need worse. So it’s starting with that, really knowing which products to use.

>> Speaker 1: Alright, what about sitting in front of a computer screen? I do this all day. More and more people, kids, teenagers, everybody’s working from home or schooling from home. Can that blue light have an effect on our face?

>> Speaker 2: Yes. There’s a lot of research and we’re seeing more and more of that. That sun has always been the number one way for us to age. But the blue light, the blue screen, what you’re looking at, that computer, recent evidence in recent science is showing that it’s actually aging us almost as fast as the sun itself. So by blocking that filter, wearing tinted sunscreen, and that’s the important factors tinted because it won’t protect us from that blue light. We need the titanium dioxide and iron oxide to really protect us well from that blue screen.

>> Speaker 1: Alright, now there are lots of products out there. What are the best things to do to give your overall skin a good feel, whether you’re wearing a mask or not, or sitting in front of a computer or not? There are things we can do, right? Everybody can do.

>> Speaker 2: Yeah. I call it the pillars of health. And if you look at it, kind of like going to the gym, I call it the gym for your skin. So there’s simple things you can always do. Of course you hire a personal trainer and do your best. But simple things like stretching for example. So for your skin, the stretching is gentle cleansers. And then what I call my pillars of skincare. So sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen. And then there’s the two other ones, like two antioxidants and a retinol that are traditionally really good for you. But with mask knee and having those masks on, they cause a lot of irritation. So that’s the thing we’ve seen with a of our patients. So moving to non-traditional products like and hydroxy rosol is substitutes, I think are the best way to go.

Cancelling Covid Face | With Dermatologist Dr. Dusan Sajic in Guelph Video Thumbanil

>> Speaker 1: Welcome back to Afternoon Live. Our next guest has five skin hacks you could do at home to cancel Covid face. We welcome dermatologist. Dr. Dosage is with us today. Doosan great to have you on the show.

>> Speaker 2: Thank you so much for having me on the show. And yes, absolutely it’s time to flip the script and actually go back on Covid and cancel Covid for a second, or at least Covid face.

>> Speaker 1: At least Covid face. I like it. And you have these five skin hacks, which I love these actually looking into. I’ve never heard some of them, first of all talk about how to avoid mask knee.

>> Speaker 2: Yeah, it’s a key component. I think we’re seeing a lot of it. It’s a term we call really for what we’ve seen before, it’s really occlusal acne. So anytime you have any kind of occlusion, that’s really key. So one of the key things is you want to make sure you’re wearing a mask if you can, that’s cotton based and then really washing it, considering underwear, you’re going to change it frequency. And then one of the things that’s actually not really, even though it’s called ma acne, it sounds like acne. It’s really not acne. It’s a different process. So some of the products we’re using for acne is actually going to make it worse, like retinols, salicylic, acid peels, other chemical peels, benzoyl peroxide. So it’s really about changing what we’re using. That will be one major hack for that.

>> Speaker 1: Well, I have not heard that. It’s actually not the normal acne now, so cotton masks are better than just the disposable blue ones that you see.

>> Speaker 2: Well, it’s all about the irritation. So the disposable blue ones, that’s harsh material that’s actually going to be scratching and causing a lot more moisture and condensation. And that’s really the primary driver. It’s going to break down that epithelial barrier, the protective skin that we have there, and really disrupt the protective microbiome so that we have a bunch of bacteria that live on our skin that actually protect our skin. And when you have a lot of moisture, it really changes all of that. And that’s why I think getting a cotton mask preferentially with three layers, so you’re still protected from covid will be the key to helping minimize mass need

>> Speaker 1: And then simplify your routine.

>> Speaker 2: Absolutely. We see that a lot. It’s also another term we call acne cosmetica, and we saw it even before covid, and that’s when patients put on too many products, too many essential oils, and they’re really trying to have this 20 regimen routine where I say, you know what? We can simplify that. You don’t need a lot, just wash your face even with lukewarm water, a gentle cleanser, and then maybe a gentler routine now. So instead of retinol, there’s a vegan alternative that I think you’re going to be hearing a lot more about called Baku. And we’ve been fortunate to do some studies on that and seeing in addition to our other peers and colleagues that do research that it has many of the major benefits like preventing acne, blemishes, even acne scarring, a recent study that we did, and also just aging in general. So switching to a more gentler formulation would be also key.

>> Speaker 1: What’s that alternative? What’s the name of it? Again?

>> Speaker 2: You’ll be hearing a lot Baku, so you’re going to be hearing a lot about it. So look for products that have it in their system.

>> Speaker 1: Okay. This is crazy to me. You say the studies show that blue computer light ages us faster.

>> Speaker 2: Absolutely. So the sun damage is number one, and I always say I have the three pillars of dermatology. So it’s sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen, actually number one. And then we have retinol, which we sort of want to use minimally now because of this exact acne and stuff, mask, acne, and so blue light, we’ve actually found out that if we are looking at it, it’s actually going to do some of the same damage that the sun can do and actually ages faster. So I call it zoom face or covid. Part of the covid is the zoom phase. So we see ourselves, we look a lot harsher on TV than we do in real life. And then again, this blue screen, so you can put filters on, you can use stinted sunscreen even while you’re doing zoom so that you’re protected.

>> Speaker 1: So the sunscreen helps with that blue light,

>> Speaker 2: Absolutely sunscreen or even putting a filter. So a lot of apple has it Samsung, all of the Android devices have it. You can actually put it on, it’s called night mode, and so it actually gets rid of that blue. That’s the delight. That’s going to be damaging to our skin and to our eyes, make it harder to sleep at night. So by blocking that out or putting on an actual filter like gorilla glass with this filter, that can help a lot as well.

>> Speaker 1: You say to avoid toners as well?

>> Speaker 2: Yeah, absolutely. And especially in this day and age, even now, even before Covid, I think Conner was overkill. It’s really stripping the face, stripping the natural protective barrier, finding that we really got to take care of our skin. So by going and really damaging it with toners, I think most of us dermatologists are going away from toners in general, and now especially with mask, knee and masks causing that stripping and moisture and wicking in the skin, adding toners. I think I would definitely stay away from

>> Speaker 1: You. Talk about to alternative skin treatments. I know you talked about the vegan retinol alternative, but what are these other two? There’s an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory compound.

>> Speaker 2: Yeah, you heard JLo talking a little bit about it with olive oil. So she’s gotten a little bit of flack as maybe it’s not olive oil that’s causing her to have beautiful skin. Certainly genetics and probably other treatments might be contributing. Who knows? She’s keeping it very secret, but there’s a component in it called hydroxy rosol that you’re going to be also hearing a lot more about. As a research dermatologist doing clinical trials, we are really scouring the information and trying to keep our patients up to date as much as possible. And that’s an ingredient I think you’ll hear a lot more about. So stay tuned. I think a lot more research as far as an antioxidant, that’s one of the things I like to say in my skincare routine. And vitamin C has got the most data, but hydroxy rosol actually is about 10 to a hundred times more potent than vitamin C is being an antioxidant and much more, less irritating. So I think that’s something you’ll hear more and more about.

>> Speaker 1: Thank you so much. Okay. I’m going to have to link all this because you know, hear the vitamin C, the retina all the time. Now you’re using big words to them that I know people are going to want to know about. Thank you so much, doctor. Appreciate it. Absolutely. Thanks for having me. Great tips. We’ll have more information about today’s segment and about doctors, say, Sue, Jack, sorry, sew on our Don’t go anywhere. Afternoon live. We’ll be right back.

Skin Tightening Fat Reduction Guelph | Dr. Sajic on #Trending Show Video Thumbnail

>> Speaker 1: Now the pandemic probably took a toll on your body during this time, including the quarantine 15, which most of us are probably still trying to work off even as a New Year’s resolution goal. Well, we want to help you right here today, boost your body goals with a very new advanced technology. It is a wearable medical device that is essentially hands-free. To share more about this innovative technology, we are joined today by dermatologists at Derma Skin Institute in Guelph. Dr. Dja, thank you so much for joining us here on hashtag Trending.

>> Speaker 2: Thanks so much for having me and I agree with you. This is definitely the quarantine 15. The other thing I’ve heard is we had the COVID-19 and then we moved into the COVID 20. Some people were unlikely and they got the Covid 20 as well. Not the disease but the after effects. Yeah, I’m very excited about the technology because it’s one of the first machines, actually the first machine that’s not only able to do what CoolSculpting did in the past where it’s take away the fact, but it’s actually hence free. So in a pandemic we can just put it on while wear masks, you can sort of stay in, watch some Netflix kind of thing while you’re in it and it’s perfectly safe. We’ve got ventilation that’s running that’s almost twice as good and efficient as a hospital operating room. And then we have a UV light to kind of sterilize everything afterwards so we can go to the gyms. But hopefully this is the best next thing because not only does it do the fat, it can actually tighten the skin and also actually flex your muscles for you. So you’re doing 20,000 abs and 20,000 crunches in 20 minutes.

>> Speaker 1: Let’s talk a little bit more about this new and evolved technology.

>> Speaker 2: Before, we used to have one or two never three things all in one and usually you’d have to have two different machines. So it started all out with cool sculpting. I think most of us have heard it and sort of it’s the oldest one. They used to work on fat and they used to cool things. And so what we started seeing clinically is that some patients, not everybody, many did well, but there were some patients that actually had almost like we called it the pool sculpting shark bite where they had the area because it was cooled, you saw a little contour defects. So the first devices came out after that were radio frequency and that’s heating. So we knew we could heat the fat and really it first started with treating patients like pool sculpting, but also treating pool sculpting patients that didn’t get quite the results or had that lumpiness and we could kind of go over it. And so now we have it hands-free, we can put it on almost like a little belt. It comes in these you can see for us as from a staff that comes in, it comes in these suitcases and it’s kind like one of these.

>> Speaker 2: So

>> Speaker 1: Sle be which

>> Speaker 2: One you want, which one you want sort of thing. So this is it. And it reminds me of Howie Del Show where you get,

>> Speaker 1: You have the briefcase. Yeah,

>> Speaker 2: The briefcase. So we say in our clinic, you don’t have to choose, you can pick all three briefcases, you can get all of it, get

>> Speaker 1: All best results in all of ’em.

>> Speaker 2: That’s it. So it comes with these little pods and we can sort of place, so you can see up to eight of them. I dunno, that transmits pretty nice. So you can put it on a belt up to eight of them and you can sort of get the stomach, the love handles and our staff just really sets you up. It takes about five, 10 minutes to set up and then you’re on your own and watching some Netflix for about 20 minutes if you’re just doing the fat reduction. But if you’re doing the muscle and the toning, all three can take up to an hour. So you can put on a nice TV show and watch it. What you started, I don’t know if you like me, but I’ve sort of seen so many Netflix shows, so it’s nice to work out without really lifting a finger and do it, especially if I can’t go to the gym.

>> Speaker 1: This is such a great way to do that. And you were talking about we could hit multiple areas at a time.

>> Speaker 2: That’s right. That’s exactly it. So it depends on your trouble spots. We always like to, what I love about it is it’s very, very unique to the individual so we can tailor it and sort of see what your goals are. If you’re saying, I have a little bit want my biceps better want my stomach or my buttock better, we have these things, we have sort of four to eight different pain pieces that we can sort of mix and match and put ’em in your area so you don’t have to do one at a time. You can do up to three at a

>> Speaker 1: Time, full body workout,

>> Speaker 2: Full body workout, full body workout. But the good thing is it doesn’t feel as sore. I mean it’s definitely, you’ll feel the contraction and we can go up to the machine, goes up to 50 different settings gone. I’ve only gone up to 27 and I know my staff is full of females that have had pregnancy and childbirth. They’re

>> Speaker 1: Say, well this is

>> Speaker 2: Almost, you feel those contractions and they’re going up to 35, 40 and here’s me going up to 27. And I’m sort of like, oh my gosh, how can you do this? And they’re like, well buddy, this is imagine, imagine this for two days. That’s what labor held. So I definitely appreciate the better sex. Much better now. Right.

>> Speaker 1: Thank you. Thank you. We appreciate that. For all women across, we’re watching now, since we are hitting all these areas, is there downtime for recovery when we’re doing these treatments?

>> Speaker 2: Generally zero downtime. So part of the technology is that it actually the vibrations that it senses in addition to stimulating the muscles, it actually helps with breakup the lactic acids. You’re not going to really have that full generally speaking. I mean everybody’s different, but for most patients you’re not really going to have that post muscle burn because of the technology of the machine. With any device, there’s always a potential side effect. So you always want to make sure you’re meeting with a board certified dermatologist, plastic. I generally recommend somebody in the core aesthetic industry, but really important to review it because like any device, there’s potential for side effects. And so we have indications, contraindications, depending if you have a defibrillator or pacemaker or something, it might not be for you. So it’s still one of these things that needs to be checked. But for vast majority of patients, there’s no side effects.

>> Speaker 2: We can set the temperature, you can tell us if you’re not tolerating it well, we can dial it down and down in real time. There’s sort of like a little button you can press if you’re sort of having issues while being heated and it stops automatically. So lots of safety, lots of controls built in. The temperature gets checked like a thousand times a millisecond to minimize chance of burns. So they’re still possible. But with the proper safety, we generally sort of say negligible and most people can just walk out and do their thing as if they’ve done nothing, they got a haircut.

>> Speaker 1: Sounds like we’re in good hands when we’re in your treatments. And it’s so customizable, which is great because everyone is different. How do we know if we’re a candidate for the evolve trim

>> Speaker 2: Optimally for most of these treatments, really most people are candidates. It’s just how much help are you going to get and what are the specific areas? Is it the loose skin, is it the fat, is it the muscle? Is it, and that’s why I love it is we can really mix and match and give you the optimal result and say if we need four sessions of this, two sessions of that and you’ll get there. The key thing is really if you’re not a candidate, if you’re looking for surgical results, you’re not going to be happy. So really what we’re saying is BMI under 40, if you’re BMI over 40, probably you need some kind of a surgical intervention. And then also how loose your skin is. If you can pull your skin and pull this here, what I’m pulling right there is probably about two inches.

>> Speaker 2: If you can pull sort of three inches up to of here, you might need a surgery. So it’s hard to say, but I mean if you can pinch it, it’ll shrink. It’s just, it’s all about setting goals and expectations and we like to be right up front with our patients and let ’em know you’ll lose about one to two and a half inches of your waistline. If that’s enough for you, then that’s a great treatment. So really it’s more about, and it also works on patients I think that are really already optimized. So if you’re coming in, you’re not exercising, you’re not eating right, it’s not going to work. Just like if you exercise but you’re not eating right or you’re eating right, but you’re not exercising, you’re not going to reach optimal goals. So really optimally, it’s when you’re well rested, well hydrated, you’re exercising, you’re doing all that you can with the diet and you’ve sort of hit that last 10 to 15 pounds where it just doesn’t want to come off.

>> Speaker 1: That’s really great information. And for someone who is getting this treatment, when can they see results?

>> Speaker 2: So yeah, so generally speaking, we’d say some patients see it almost right away within about three, four weeks. But the majority, you got to wait probably two to three months before your, so that’s the other good thing is actually it gets the metabolism in that area going. The fat cells are slowly shrinking. The skin is shrink wrapping, and that takes time. So up to three months before you see full results,

>> Speaker 1: Eating while exercising, and then combining this new evolve trim, which can really help boost your confidence, but also just the way you feel daily. Like this is your body, your mind, and you’re in control. Right.

>> Speaker 2: And I love that you say that because it is, I think we’ve seen two trends really. I love that we’re seeing this body positivity, so where you’ve got the body that you’ve got, but we also see that people that want to maximize their goals too, and I think both are okay. You’re individualize. We’re not going to judge. We’re going to try and help you either way and optimize your things.

>> Speaker 1: And we want to thank you for joining us here on hashtag Trending and you are welcome back anytime.

>> Speaker 2: Awesome. Thank you so much, Julie. This was fantastic. And you’re a wonderful host. And yeah, your skin’s glowing too. This was like a mini doxy meeting and whatever you’re doing, keep it up as well.

Covid – 19 and Skin Care: Dr. Dusan Sajic on #Trending with Aleia Ally Video Thumbail

>> Speaker 1: We’re joined today by dermatologist at Derma Skin Institute in Guelph. Dr. Ducen Sja, thank you so much for joining us here on hashtag Trending.

>> Speaker 2: Thanks so much for having me.

>> Speaker 1: Now let’s talk about some of the skin trends that have been happening.

>> Speaker 2: Covid has kind of taken over a little bit, and I also call it sort of the covid face, right? There’s, they’ve talked about mask knee, and it’s one of the key trends of last year, but we’re starting to find out actually all spectrum of covid associated things. Some things because of Covid and the situation we’re in. And then actually some things that are caused by covid are the vaccine, and I’ll get into that at the very end. A little preview. So the first one is acne, right? So it’s all about the type of masks that you’re wearing. It’s not really new, it’s just got this cool name because of the masks, and it’s really what we call acne. So anytime if you’re picking your acne, I say Don’t pick your acne. You’re going to give yourself scars. And even though we have tons of different treatments for acne scarring, pretty much anything you can think of right here in our clinic, you can see kind of the lasers behind me.

>> Speaker 2: See some behind us. We have tons of lasers in here that can help with the scarring, but it’s never the same if you don’t get it. So I’d rather you not touch your face and give yourself scars. That’s always better. But yeah, really it’s all about that mask. What if you put it on your face? Really what’s happening is occlusion, right? So you’re covering that skin and your skin needs to breathe. And so it’s really important to wear a good mask. A lot of the masks that are rough materials, synthetic materials, are going to be much more abrasive and much more conducive to sweating. So personally, I like cotton mask, something that has many layers. We know from public health that you need to sort of wear at least a three layer mask for protection, but you want to get something with high quality cotton underneath it, filters that can be exchanged, make sure you wash them. So that’s part one of the covid sort of phase. The other one that I sort of see is all about what we’re doing right now. The zoom meetings.

>> Speaker 1: Zoom the zoom meetings, that’s right. So we’ve

>> Speaker 2: Had so many patients call us and ask us that, you know what? I think I look great. And then it’s not many people have the greatest sliding, or even if they do, they see all these imperfections. They’re looking at themselves constantly in the mirror while maybe a colleague of theirs is talking. You know what they’ll do?

>> Speaker 1: They’ll look at their own screen.

>> Speaker 2: They’re like, oh my gosh, what am going to see? What’s this blemish? So we have so many patients calling us and saying, we’re doing all these Zoom meetings, and I see myself on that video camera and it looks terrible. So we try to generally tell ’em, look, it’s not you. It’s your camera. Upgrade your phone. Maybe you might look better. It might be just the pixels, but sometimes it’s a real valid concern if they sort of notice new spots, whether it’s a pre-cancer or even just a benign blemish or other things, they’re noticing it more because we’re so preoccupied about looking good in front of the screen that we pick up on all these things. So that’s why I call that sort of the covid face. And then finally, there’s really, actually, this is brand new hot off the press just came out, just got published actually with the vaccines.

>> Speaker 2: So some patients that have had fillers in their face when they get the vaccine, we’ve had now five patients worldwide that have had severe swelling in the areas that have had fillers. So really important to know so far, only the Moderna vaccine has been the one that’s been shown to cause this. So if you have a choice and you’re getting a vaccine, might be better to sort of get the Pfizer one for now. So that’s it. And really if you do get that you’re getting the swelling, let us know we are open. It is an emergency, it’s a medical emergency. It has to be treated right away quickly. It settles down if treated appropriately. So if you’ve had fillers regardless of where you had them and you’re having these severe covid type reaction, give us a call, give a plastic surgeon dermatologist a call. When it’s treated early, it resolves without any issues. So that’s kind of that stat, right? So that’s the covid phase. And then the other thing, because of the masks that we are wearing, guess where people are focusing and what they’re asking about

>> Speaker 1: Their eyes, their face, the forehead area. You

>> Speaker 2: Got it. You got it. The forehead area. And that’s the other thing that people are saying is, I didn’t notice it before, but now that I’m just in these eyes, people are sort of commenting about it. And so there’s several things you can do. The easiest one is just skincare, self-care, skincare, and there’s what I call the three pillars of dermatology that anybody should be doing, whether they’re 20 or 90, it’s sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen. Make sure you get a good quality one. That’s number one thing that ages us the most. But can you guess Aaliyah, what the second most? Especially now, especially with Covid, I kind of gave you the Zoom thing. There’s another thing that’s really aging us that we found.

>> Speaker 1: What could it be? I don’t know. Tell us what’s more. I feel like there could be a lot of stuff.

>> Speaker 2: There is a lot of stuff, but the biggest one, and there’s several articles just in the last year alone, is the blue screens from the computer,

>> Speaker 1: The light.

>> Speaker 2: Yeah, there are filters you can put on. Get rid of that blue light. It’s really that harsh blue light that really ages us as well in the long term. So again, if you’re on Zoom calls, I have it on right now. I have a blue filter for me so that it’s not hitting my face. So that’s another one. And then outside of that simple stuff, there are some products. So retinol is number one. Okay, you want to get a retinol and a nice antioxidant. So vitamin C used to be sort of the big one. It’s hard to formulate. And now with JLo talking about olive oil, she actually has a point. She actually has a point allol and hydroxy rosol, which is the actual chemical in olive oil, is actually the most antioxidant molecule right now out there. Even more so than vitamin C, depending on how it’s compared 10 to a hundred times better. So there is some truth to it. Absolutely. So it’s really those, and that’s antioxidant sunscreen and a retinol, and make sure you get a good quality gentle retinol to start with because retinol can strip your face if you’re not ready. It’s like going to the gym and lifting 800 pounds. Your skin’s not going to be happy.

>> Speaker 1: We want to know where can we follow for more?

>> Speaker 2: Yeah, absolutely. You can follow us on our platforms like Facebook, Instagram, we’re there at Dermis Skin Institute. We love to have all kinds of educational content, so we try to keep it as informative so you can kind of keep your skin healthy and glowing as long as possible. That’s our sort of goal, is to keep that skin looking as best as possible, your best refreshed you. We try to do things differently that way. We don’t want you looking fake and really giving you the tools, whether it’s just starting with creams at home and using that three basis, or whether you’re looking up to step it up and shed the Covid, the quarantine 15, or help with the other things, aspects of it. We’re here for you. We’re definitely happy to help.

>> Speaker 1: This information was so amazing, and I know our viewers out there really learned a lot here today. So thank you again for joining us on hashtag Trending.

Expert injector Dr. Dusan Sajic shows techniques for facial fillers, Botox, 5D Face Lift

Hi everybody. Drs here at German Skin Institute. Today we’re going to be doing the treatment of the forehead. So it’s off-label for Dysport, but it’s an area we specifically use a lot. Okay? So you have to have a little more extra caution with this just because of eyelid. Ptosis meaning the drop of the eyelids. So when we assess the patients always, always, always no cookie cutter. It’s going to be directly for her. So everybody’s unique. So each time we inject, it’s slightly different. I don’t have maps, I’m not a geography major. I do what I see. Okay, so we’ll look at our patient. Let’s have a look. So lift up. Okay, so first thing you notice, everybody, everybody, everybody’s always a little bit asymmetric. So you can see she’s stronger here than she is here. So not as many lines up here as there are here.

So that’s going to dictate a little bit what we do. Frown. Look at that. Beautiful frown. So we already erased her elevens. Frown, frown, frown. Yeah, she’s not frown. Squint your eyes. Yeah, look at that. No pro’s, feet. Okay, excellent. Now we’re going to go a little off label. We’re going to treat these bad boys. Okay? So lift up for me. This is my technique right there. We want to make sure we get rid of Captain Spock. We never want to have super high arches. So what we want to do is right there. So this is the direction of the vector right here. So right there, captain Spock. Bye-Bye. So we’re going to erase that. We don’t need the rest. And same for here. Lift up. So at the maximum point, that’s what I’m going to do. And then one to the side, one to the edge and lift up and relax. So I’m just following where her lines are and I’m just kind of doing all of that. Lift up. Up, okay, lift up. Good. And then on the side where she has less, I’m going to put in less. What’s up? Okay, and last up.

Okay, so simple enough, we’re just going to count. Lift up and relax. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Lift up six, relax. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1.

So we’re going to get 25. Okay? So I don’t use 25 fully. So we’re going to be basically doing 11 units into 25. So it’s going to be nice dilution, almost half. So I don’t always do half. It depends on what I see. So we’re going to do that. Alright? And then we’ll show you our technique in a second once we get everything ready. So we’re going to be injecting again off-label sites. So you have to know what you’re doing. You have to be careful about what we do. Whenever I’m injecting here, I’m worried also about the eyes falling down. So lifts up, this muscle, pulls up, see how it pulls up the eyelids. Close your eyes real tight. Okay, so this muscle closes the eyes. So we’ve already done this before when we treated her eyes and we treated her glabella area. So I always like to do at least the mini eye.

Why? Because giving the eye, the treatment is actually going to relax this muscle that closes is going to lift up the eyebrow. So that’s how you get a brow lift. So now I’m much more safer to treat her forehead and really minimize the chance. Again, at least one centimeter above on all sides. Again, going to reduce your chance of having eyelet ptosis. You don’t want her squinting at you like this. We don’t want pirates in our practice. So really important to do it. So then how do we treat it? So how do we inject? Okay, so these are tiny little micro quads. You want ’em have good muscle memories to practice at home if you need to. I think we’re all expert injectors that do this area. So it might not be as relevant for this area, but when you’re first starting, you want to make sure that you’re injecting in a way that makes sense to you. Some people inject this way, like a dart, some people inject this way. Do whatever makes sense for you. For me, this is what makes sense. Okay, so we’ll go like this little tiny poke. Okay. And just on the very surface

Doing okay T. So

This area up top tends to be a little bit more sensitive and what you can is you can kind of twist the syringe a little bit to minimize the pain. Awesome. Okay, so we’ll do that. There we go. And any little bit of blood, this goes away. Okay, there we go.

Skin Tightening, Face Lift in 5 Dimensions By Dermatologist Dusan Sajic, MD Video Thumbnail

Hello everybody again. This is Dr. Sage from Dermis Skin Institute, and today we’re going to be talking a little bit about jowls and what to do about them. So what are jowls? Jowls are really the accumulation of skin and fat, really sort of in this area here. And if you can pinch more than a couple of centimeters, they really start becoming an issue for most patients and really something that needs to be done about them. So the question really is what do we do? How do we get them and how do we actually treat them? So before we get into it, we have to just understand why they happen in the first place, what leads to them sort of drooping and accumulating in this such a manner. And one of the key things is understanding that it doesn’t really happen in one process, it’s multiple processes.

Understanding of it really led us to develop our own approach and a treatment that’s only available at the Derma Skin Institute called the Five Dimension Lift. And it’s really based on the five dimensions of aging that we see. So in our skin, there’s what I call five different dimensions where we’re going to all experience three different things, and that’s descent, degradation, and deflation. So first one, degradation. So the collagen, the bone, the muscle, the fat, all of that is going to experience degradation. It’s all going to depreciate, deflation, and also descent because of gravity. So how do we address it? Well, really, I mean we have to look at all of those five dimensions and really find out how we can sort of do that. So the first dimension is bone. So if we’re starting to lose a lot of bone here, guess what? You’re going to lose the support.

So there are ways to enhance the bone, both here and here. And if we’re losing the amount of fluid through the air and bone through there, we really need to strut that up and make it a more firm base and a good support so that we can really drape that skin on top and really help lift it. Now, there are many ways to do that from lasers to fillers to energy devices to surgery. And so the question really becomes is how do I pick the best, the most efficient one that will get me as far as possible to having that really nice defined jawline? Because really that’s what we’re asking about is we want that nice defined chiseled jawline that comes with youth. And as we get on with father time, we start to lose that and most of us subconsciously know that, and we want to naturally and obviously want to get back there as much as we possibly can in the best and most natural way possible.

So the key differentiator for me really is looking at one of two things, and that is either surgical approach or a non-surgical approach. Now, one way to differentiate whether you need one or the other is how much skin you can pull. So if you can grab your skin and you can pull more than two inches, I think it’s definitely time to at least explore surgery. Now the other way to think about it is if you are at a point where you do need surgery, you’re probably going to need some of the other treatments like skin tightening, like volumization, like bridging those struts anyway. So whether you pick surgery first or you want to do a mini non-surgical lift or a maximum five dimension surgical lift, non-surgical lift that we have at our clinic is really up to you. And depending on how much diet and time you have, the budget and also scarring with most facial surgeries, even if they call ’em a mini surgery, you’re going to have a pretty significant scar so that they can actually pull back and remove that tissue.

They try to do their best to hide them. And in many patients, the scars are close to being invisible. But again, for many of our patients that seek us, they really come to us because we’re the experts in non-invasive technologies. And we have a vast array of things that we can use from energies to radiofrequency, to devices, to fillers, to other techniques to really help lift your skin. So the question then really becomes is what type of procedure should we be looking at as the first thing, or should we be combining them with several other procedures to really get the best lift? So for me right now, I think if we look at the literature, we look at what the devices are available, what is the best thing that was given us, the most skin tightening, the most lift, that’s nonsurgical, noninvasive without a scar, I think nothing beats accutight right now.

There are other devices like radiofrequency, microneedling devices like Morpheus, profound, for example, is another good option. But when you compare all the devices across the board and see which one has the most lift on its own, Accu tight, facet tight are generally the best options, I feel both accutight and face tight are more or less the same device. You’re going to get the same type of lift. It’s just really the size of the actual probe that goes underneath and delivers the energy in a way, in a very similar way that’s the same temperature. So we’re going to have the same clinical results just with Accutight. We’re able to target other areas like eyelids, the sub malar, fat nasal lial folds. That makes it all harder to do with face type because it’s a bigger, longer probe than the acuate. So if we’re looking at it, what does it do?

Really, like I said, it’s a probe that goes underneath your skin and is able to check the temperature on a very, very controlled level to a point where we can be very precise to 0.5 of a degree. The machine is checking it many, many, many times, hundreds of times a second to ensure that we’re getting a proper temperature control. And if it exceeds the threshold or it rises too fast, it’s going to control it so that we really, really minimize the risk of burning. So again, for that reason, I think if we’re looking at any one device to really lift, tighten, melt some of the fat that’s under there, Accu is going to be our best number one decision. Now, often we do pair it with a radio frequency microneedling, like for example, the Morpheus eight, the genius phony, sometimes even profound. But it’s knowing and understanding that really the heavy lifting is going to be done by Accutight, and then that finalizing on the cake is really going to be done by something like Morpheus.

Another thing to consider would be fillers. So once we get that, I like to first see my patients do the accu tight, see how much pulling, maybe Morpheus eight with it as well see how much tightening we can get. And then once we get there, I generally assess for fillers. So by doing jawline or chin fillers, we can really get that proper projection and really accentuate and give you that chiseled jawline associated with youth that many of our patients desire. But really, like I said, I like to start with Accu type first, see how far we get. And then that way, even if we need fillers, we generally need less fillers, less volumization, and our critical goal is really to avoid that unnatural overfilled look that results when providers and other doctors and other physicians really only address the one issue and the one dimension in aging.

And it leads to this overfilled or pillow face look that we really generally try to avoid. The best, I think, is really to come in for a consultation. There are many strategies and many other treatments that can be quite complimentary. For example, if you have a lot of sun damage, your skin is very loose, or you have a lot of pigmentation on your face, sometimes we do combine it with carbon dioxide or CO2 laser. That can also give a lot of lift, a lot of volumization that can help restore that structure to the face that we miss with aging. Anyways, stay tuned. Stay tuned for our next conversations. Hopefully that was informative and we hope to see you soon. Stay tuned for next one.

Dr Dusan Sajic: The Dark Side of Sunscreen Video Thumbnail

Hello everybody. Dr. Sai here again at Dermis Skin Institute. Today we’re going to be talking about sunscreen, or more importantly, the dark side of the sunscreen. So just like we have the dark side of the moon, just like when any medication, there are potential side effects and risks that can be associated. And sunscreen like any other, has had a bunch of side effects reported both in the media and the news and in the scientific literature. And it’s no wonder that sometimes our patients ask us, well, what’s the deal on sunscreen? Dr. S, do you still recommend it? Are there certain chemicals that we should be avoiding? So really looking at this, this can be a complex question. And right now I think the overwhelming data suggests that by far sunscreen is much more beneficial than it has side effects. So if we had to pick one side, I think sun itself and the damaging UV raised causing skin cancer is a much, much bigger worry than all of the potential side effects that have been raised currently to date.

Now, having said that, there are certain chemicals and elements that have a little bit of more things associated with it that may or may not be true. We’re still, as a scientific community, trying to find out, and it’s our role to really speak to you as our patients and let you have your own informed decision. So where does this all come from? Well, there’s been two studies recently published in the US and found that actually certain chemicals in sunscreen were detected in blood levels at higher levels than were expected. So what this prompted was the FDA or the Federal Drug Administration in the US to ask more questions from the companies making these sunscreens to look into the more data. Now before we ring any alarms, this same data has been known in the European Union for over 20 years. It’s just that in America, they have not done these studies on American patients until now.

So in Europe, if you look at all of the data, if you look at how the European Commission has been looking at certain chemicals, whether it’s sunscreen or other cosmetic beauty products like hydroquinone for example, in general, they’re much quicker than the American Federal Drug Administration to put a halt on medications that they feel are unsafe. So the fact that these medications have not been withdrawn in the European Union tells us that most likely they’re okay, and there’s nothing really alarming about these particular chemicals. However, it is only human to know and to want to inquire and ask more. And I definitely think that there should be more studies before we can really fully close the case. So while we await, I think it is prudent to really consider which particular chemicals the FDA is calling into question. So generally, those tend to be all on the chemical side of the story.

So there are two ways that we can block the sun right now, and that is through chemical ways, which filter out the sun and through physical ways or mineral ways which block the sun. So the mineral sunscreens, there’s really two of them or maybe three if you group ’em together. So there’s titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. Those are the most well-known ones, and they filter out the UV both on the wide spectrum on the UVA and UVB. And then there’s also a third one, iron oxide, for example. It’s in a lot of the tints that are made for sunscreen that may come tinted. They actually block out some of the visible rays too.

So which one of those has been called into question? So it’s important to know that the physical ones, the mineral ones like titanium and zinc have not been called into question at all. And so if this is something that works well for you, you like the type of sunscreen that you’re using, keep doing it. You have nothing to worry about. The only potential issue with these types of sunscreens is that they tend to leave a white residue. You tend to look very pasty and white because it’s hard to make that zinc transparent without using very complex chemistry and very fancy delivery systems that’ll actually leave it on without leaving a residue. So things like sheer zinc or transparent zinc, things like that are definitely the ways to go. If you find you’re shying away from using two fingertips, so two fingertips on your face to cover your face, if you’re using less than that, you’re not being protected and you’ll need something different.

Okay, so that’s really the end of the story. I hope you’re staying safe out there. Make sure you’re protecting yourself from the sun, whether it’s physical blocker or a chemical blocker, and don’t just stick to that. Make sure you’re putting on a hat, you’re wearing glasses to protect your eyes from the sun that you’re reapplying every couple of hours, and that you’re seeking shade and protective clothing as much as possible, and that you’re checking for the UV index. Lots of apps out there that’ll tell you when it’s really high and when to try and minimize outdoor activities. That’s really going to be the bottom line, and that’s how you’re going to be staying protected. Thank you so much for tuning in, and we hope to see you next time.

Skin Tightening AccuTite Treatment Derma Skin Institute Guelph Video Thumbnail

It’s all good.

Body Contouring – Fat Reduction – Muscle Toning Evolve Treatments Guelph Video Thumbnail

Hi everybody. Dr. Sage here at Derma Skin Institute and you might be wondering why I’m lying down here, lying down on the job. Well, it’s actually to assess it all for you guys, we’re testing this machine here called the Evolve. So you can see I’m strapped up. I look like maybe some kind of a robot alien from a futuristic movie, but it’s really the Evolve machine. So what is the Evolve? It’s a three in one system where it’s targeting the muscle, the fat, as well as the skin tightening. So now that I’m getting into my mid forties, no matter how much exercise I’m doing, it’s not quite the same. I’m not able to get to where I want to be or it takes infinitely amount more work. So to hack the little trouble spots, little area of pockets of fat where I’m not quite happy with it, that’s why we got this machine here.

So it’s the only one right now that’s available to do all three in one. And right now I am doing the actual fat reduction. Okay, so this is the trim portion. So if we look at it over here, you’re going to see very well, very temperature control sort of thing. Lots of sensors, lots of information there, constantly getting feedback, thousands of data points per second to make sure that I have a minimum chance of burning. You can see at each, there’s six pads on right now that are taking this, that are working on it right there. So six pads all around my abdomen and each one of them is lining up. You can sort of see what target temperature is to get to 43. I mean anything really above 40, we’ve got the fat get melted and this is just making sure we don’t get burnt. Alright, so stay tuned. You’ll see my track, my progress, and we’ll see how we do. Okay? Take care guys. Stay safe.

Guelph Dermatologist Dr. Dusan Sajic shares his CO2 laser treatment results

Guelph Dermatologist Dr. Dusan Sajic shares his CO2 laser treatment results
Are CO2 laser treatments worth the required downtime? Dr. Dusan Sajic of deRMA Skin Institute in Guelph says yes, especially for patients with significant sun damage, pre-cancers or fine lines and wrinkles. Dr. Sajic shares his laser skin rejuvenation treatment experience and results. Although "lighter" treatments such as those that use intense pulsed light may be less invasive with little to no downtime, CO2 laser treatment can address more significant skin issues for dramatic improvements in the skin's appearance.

Hi everybody. Dr. Sair again from Derma Skin Institute coming to you after my carbon dioxide laser procedure. So you’ve just seen how I, did you see what my recovery was like and how we did it sort of thing with the whole experience of the CO2 laser? So was it worth it? I absolutely think so. I think my complexion is much better. Everything’s looking better. I think as far as any one laser is concerned. For someone like myself who’s over 40 years old, and you’re starting to see a lot of this pigmentation associated or a little pre-cancerous keratosis, there’s no single better laser than it for numerous reasons. The number one being really is the DNA repair. So we know when we start getting into sort of these aging related pigmentation and we have it from the sun, from all of the exposure, we know that our skin cell is not only just looking, not it’s optimal, but it’s actually the function of those skin cells is not as best as it could be because all of that sun exposure has actually gotten ourselves into something called senescence.

Okay? So you’ll see a bunch of articles on it. There’s more and more data, more and more research on senescence being a key marker of shutting down our cellular response, making us age faster, and also actually making us more susceptible to pre-cancerous and cancerous lesions. So what ablative lasers like carbon dioxide laser like lasers are able to do is actually not only make us look better, but actually repair the DNA repair enzyme processes to a certain extent so that it minimizes how much damage and we have, and also how our skin cells are able to process and eliminate some of the damage that we get through activities like being outside, getting exposed to the sun and even blue light from this very screen. So for me, I know about the blue screen, so I’ve put on a filter on this phone and you should do the same because that we know can also contribute to aging and actually damage your DNA as well.

So overall, I’m very, very happy. I think my complexion is much better. It’s tightened my skin a bit and the pigmentation that I was experiencing is much better. So my wrinkles, and I know my skin cells are healthier. I’m overall very happy. As you know, obviously the downtime is an issue for many people, but for me it was quite tolerable. There was a little bit of pain and swelling initially, but after that, very well tolerated. So if you’re okay looking like Deadpool for a little bit, then there’s going to be benefits to it. I look at it, it’s sort of like going to the gym and for your dream skin, really the Derma Skin Institute here, where very much big believers of that, no pain, no gain, just like exercise. And so I’m all for it. So what doesn’t it do? So no laser is going to do everything.

If you’re looking for optimal treatments and based on what your decisions are, is it per sun protection? Is it for looking better? Is it for preventing father time? That last one’s a big goal for me as well. You need to add things so it doesn’t build elastin, so that’s the stretchy part of your skin for that. There’s other things like dilute radius is one. There’s also radiofrequency microneedling, or even just radiofrequency to a lesser extent, but that can be done as well. So things like Morpheus eight, for example, would be a great add-on to this procedure, and many patients choose to do that. So we’ll be going through that in another video, but for now we’re focusing on CO2. So once we get to where we want to be, the biggest thing is also maintenance. Many patients are asking, many people are asking, how long does this last?

Well, it depends on what you do. If you’re really sticking to your vitamin C sunscreen and retinol, it can really prolong when you need to do it again. And generally speaking, we sort of say two to five years before you need to repeat this particular procedure. And in addition to the creams, there’s other things you can be doing. So what we call a Hollywood laser peel, for example, where it’s a lunchtime, you don’t even know you had it done. It’s called clear lift or something similar to that. If you do that every sort of four to six months, it can also help delay the need for it later on. Other things like microneedling, for example. So that’s where we just go in with just regular needles or even radiofrequency assisted microneedling. Again, if you really want that elastin, but microneedling on its own can really, again, get the wounding process. It’s controlled wounding, just like when you’re exercising your wounding and your muscles. That’s why actually they grow bigger is when they repair themselves. Same with this, if we’re doing it in a controlled way, anywhere between every three to six months kind of thing. So at a time you’re getting your Botox done, for example, or Dysport, adding something like microneedling can really be helpful. So all in all, it’s really important to take care of your skin, do your best that you can. Stay tuned for more informational videos and take care.

Dr. Dusan Sajic talks about skin care while wearing masks on CTV News Video Thumbnail

Skin rashes, pimples, irritation. Mask knee is another side effect of COVID 1912. Dermatologist do send. Sage says he finds it worse for people with preexisting skin conditions. If you

Have eczema or if you have peral dermatitis, or if you have acne that you already had, especially hormonal acne that tends to affect this area here, it can make it much

Worse. Sage says, mask knee is caused by a number of factors, including mask type and material fit, prolonged use and stress. You want

A nice high count, high thread count woven cotton or woven silk, and make sure that it’s not irritating you

And if the problem persists to see a skincare professional. Zina, CTV News, Kitchener.

If you’re looking for a trusted dermatology practice here in Guelph, Ontario, our team is ready to serve you. Request a consultation online or call (888) 803-3762 to schedule an appointment.


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