Cosmetic Procedures
Research has now conclusively shown that looking our best not only helps us feel our best but also improves our confidence and helps us connect with the world. At deRMA Skin Institute, we use a carefully selected, personalized array of products and technology to bring out the best version of you. We believe in natural results and procedures that work with your skin and anatomy to bring out the real you, the one Father Time tries to hide. It is for this reason that we developed the 5 Dimension Skin Plan. Patented and developed by our very own Dr. Sajic after decades of research and experience, the plan is designed to address each of your 5 dimensions of aging.
You will receive a thorough consultation with a board-certified cosmetic dermatologist in order to determine your concerns and to customize a unique treatment plan. The goal of every treatment is to work with your features and bring out the best version of you – a more refreshed and radiant you. Support your skin, body, and face in aging elegantly and tastefully. Request a consultation using the online form or call (888) 803-3762 to schedule an appointment with one of our dermatologists.
Crystal Minkoff's Glowing Skin Secret Revealed!
I’ve been using Sajic Skin Care for a few months now, and I have to say, I’m in love. I love how easy it is because it’s only a three-step process, and when you’re a mom on the go, you need a quick routine. I’ve noticed my skin is brighter and smoother, and even my skin tone is more even. Check out Sajic Skin Care, my favorite go-to skincare line.
Dr. Sajic developed deRMA Skin Institute to provide medical and cosmetic dermatology patients access to state-of-the-art technology and treatments. As a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the American Academy of Dermatology, Dr. Sajic’s accomplishments as a researcher, educator, and dermatology innovator have made him one of Ontario’s leading dermatologists.